
Media Contact

Nancy Andrews
Chief Engagement and Communications Officer

Update from OSC – COVID-19 Measures Tuesday, April 14, 2020 As our collective focus remains on keeping each other safe and adhering to those guidelines set to help flatten the […]

Update from OSC – COVID-19 Measures Monday, April 6, 2020 Over the past number of weeks we’ve all made adjustments in order to keep each other safe during the COVID-19 […]

As COVID-19 cases grow in Canada, it’s more important than ever that we all take the necessary steps to slow the spread of the virus in our communities. The most consistent advice we have been given tells us unless you are an essential worker, stay home.

Today Canada’s Ocean Supercluster team, with the support of the Government of Canada and other project partners, announced its first Innovation Ecosystem Project, representing an unprecedented investment and collaboration to make Atlantic Canada one of the best places to start and grow ocean companies.