Canada’s Ocean Supercluster (OSC) has launched a Canada-wide Call for Proposals for its new Ocean Supercluster Resilience (OSCR) program, investing up to $15 million in ocean projects that create strong collaborations and focus on the growth of multiple Canadian innovation-based companies. The one-time OSCR call for proposals supplements the Ocean Supercluster’s core programs in Technology Leadership and Innovation Ecosystem.
“While ocean sectors have seen significant adverse impacts this past year due to the pandemic, we have also seen incredible innovation and resiliency in ocean with close to 40 new Ocean Supercluster projects approved in 2020, most of which were approved since March,” said Kendra MacDonald, CEO Canada’s Ocean Supercluster. “This year we want continue to build resiliency and momentum with new opportunities for innovative projects while creating and strengthening partnerships.”
MacDonald says the new OSCR will tackle significant challenges, unlocking new development opportunities to help increase Canada’s global competitiveness in ocean.
The Ocean Supercluster Resilience Call for Proposals is designed for projects that can be completed in 30 months or less. It is a deadline-driven and competitive program that aims to generate a diverse set of project ideas that:
- Address challenges impeding the launch of ocean-focused offerings into new markets;
- Leverage digital innovation and business reform to improve customer value, global competitiveness, and connectivity across and between ocean sectors; and
- Advance the ocean innovation ecosystem by creating and strengthening relationships between Canada’s private and public sectors.
The application process is now open and begins with Expressions of Interest which must be submitted by Feb 19, 2021 at 4 p.m. Atlantic time to be considered. For complete details, visit
About Canada’s Ocean Supercluster
Canada’s Ocean Supercluster is a national, industry-led transformative cluster focused on tackling the shared challenges of multiple ocean sectors through a collaborative program designed to accelerate the development and commercialization of globally relevant solutions. This includes leaders in fisheries, aquaculture, offshore resources, bioresources, transportation, marine renewables, defence, and ocean technologies who are committed to leveraging collective strengths and working together. For more information visit
Media Contact
Nancy Andrews